Belief Propagation with Quantum Messages for Symmetric CQ Channels
Avijit Mandal
Belief propagation (BP) is a classical algorithm that approximates the marginal distribution associated with a factor graph by passing messages between adjacent nodes in the graph.
It gained popularity in the 1990’s as a powerful decoding algorithm for LDPC codes.
In 2016, Renes introduced a belief propagation with quantum messages (BPQM) and described how it could be used to decode classical codes defined by tree factor graphs that are sent over the classical-quantum pure-state channel.
In this work, we propose an extension of BPQM to general binary-input symmetric classical-quantum (BSCQ) channels based on the implementation of a symmetric “paired measurement”.
While this new paired-measurement BPQM (PMBPQM) approach is suboptimal in general, it provides a concrete BPQM decoder that can be implemented with local operations.